Friday, June 29, 2012

What. The. Fuck.

After mowing the lawn and then moving some crap out of the house to our rented dumpster, I sat down for a cold glass of water to chill for a bit.  Weird sensation in my chest.  Yeah.. uh oh... I take my pulse on my neck.. am I imagining things?  Heart beats normal for a few beats, then just kind of a weak beat, and then a BIG beat, repeated over and over like this.  No dizziness, no pain in the chest, I have all my faculties.  I feel normal, except for this weird fucking thing going on.  After about 90 - 120 seconds it goes away.

I was running up and down the stairs.  It's hot out.  I'm sweating from mowing the lawn.  I probably haven't drank enough water.  I'm stressed because of work.  I've had caffeine, but in my opinion not enough to cause this -- 2 cups of coffee at work, and then a coke zero at home tonight.  I didn't eat much for dinner - crackers and peanut butter.

What.  The.  Fuck.

My whole life, I've always felt a little skip every now and then.  Like on the order of once a month if that.  And that's how the feeling for this started and so I basically waited for it to go away.  It didn't and kept going long enough that I was starting to get concerned.

I read up on PVC (Premature ventricular contractions) and went and ate a banana, and took two calcium pills.  I'm writing this about 20 minutes after the experience for documentary's sake.  If this EVER happens again, I'm making an appointment with my doctor.  But we both know what he'll do -- pass it off as nothing out of the ordinary and make me feel bad for wasting his time.  Fuck OHIP.